
What You Need to Know About Mobile Messaging & GDPR (Infographic)

Have you GDPR-proofed your company’s mobile messaging strategy?

Have you GDPR-proofed your company’s mobile messaging strategy? 

GDPR: A Brief History

GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, was formally rolled out by the European Union on May 25th in 2018. The introduction of GDPR marked the most significant moment in global data privacy regulation in over 20 years. The aim of the regulation is to give European citizens more control over their personal data and to ensure that organisations across Europe take a more consistent approach to data privacy.

What Does GDPR Involve?

GDPR was designed to ensure that organisations process the personal data of European citizen’s in a way that is responsible and transparent. The term “processing” encompasses a wide range of activities, including the:

“collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of personal data.” (Source: EU Commission)

 What Happens If You Break GDPR?

According to the EU Commission, there have been over 89,000 reported data breaches in Europe since the launch of GDPR. If your organization is found to be in breach of GDPR, then you will be penalized with a large fine. This comes with major reputational damage as today’s consumers expect companies to treat their data protection rights seriously. In a 2018 survey, 53% of SMEs in the UK cited “reputation damage” as their biggest concern about GDPR.

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Discover More About GDPR & Mobile Messaging

With GDPR, organisations have a duty to prioritise the privacy and data protection rights of their customers and employees.  If your company uses mobile messaging as part of a wider communications strategy, then you may be interested in this infographic from Cadoo which lays out the basics of GDPR for mobile messaging.

Scroll down to the infographic to find out more today.

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