Hitman 3 PSVR; Everything You Need To Know
The level of immersion experienced when playing Hitman 3 in VR is quite outstanding, even with limitations on the graphics and controls

Yes that’s right, it’s here. The third instalment, Hitman 3, of a classic game remastered has made its way to VR. Currently PSVR exclusive, it includes a mode where you can play through the entire trilogy in VR, if you own PS4 versions of the previous games. Here’s everything else you might want to know.
For many, this move may seem very natural IO Interactive, however, successfully porting games to VR can prove very tricky – forcing developers to cut corners on some aspects of the game. This is exacerbated by the inferior resolution of the PSVR’s display – when compared to the competition, and tracking issues with the Dualshock 4 controller.
Getting Into Hitman 3 VR
Bearing in mind that Hitman 3 VR is an older game that was remastered and then ported to PSVR, it is quite understandable that compromising would have to happen. In this regard, what IO interactive has given us in the VR adaptation of Hitman 3 has a bitter-sweet effect on the senses.
The Dubai map is one example of this. As prestinely designed as it is, the lack of reflections -when played in VR – does drain some of the “wow” effect that is synonymous with Hitman maps, beyond that, it takes nothing away from the gameplay. One other effect of corner cutting are the crowds that suddenly appear, and happen mostly when you enter a room hastily on make that have large numbers of NPC’s.
That said, Where Himan 3 shines, it shines to the point where it will blind to all the other flaws. By this, I mean the maps themselves – this is one point where IO Interactive has always put its best don’t forward, since the very beginning of the Hitman series.
The level of immersion experienced when playing Hitman 3 in VR is quite outstanding, even with limitations on the graphics and controls. This is mostly due to how much attention to detail went into the designing of each of these levels, it is truly extraordinary. From the walkways in Chonqing, China – that let peek into peoples homes, to the very realistic atmosphere of entering an underground nightclub in Germany – where the sound of music and party goers gets louder the deeper in you go. IO clearly put a lot of labor into making it feel very real.
As for the control scene, this is where Hitman 3 VR seems to have missed the mark. IO Interactive made some baffling choices when it came to the control options they chose. Rather simplicity of Resident Evil 7style controls, or going “the whole nine yards” with the twin move controllers – they opted for a mixed set of controls that doesn’t do the game any justice.
This strange control setup means that general movements are controlled by the standard set on the controller, while the aggressive actions performed by agent 47’s right arm is engaged by using the DualShock 4’s light bar. Some of these issues may become especially annoying when in a high intensity situation.
Closing Notes
Overall, the level of immersion makes it easier to forget the shortcomings of Hitman 3 VR, making it a VR title that you’ll spend more time playing than getting annoyed with. Hopefully, in due time we may see the trilogy being released in full for other more up to date VR headsets.